Stories and Reflections

Stories and Reflections.
Journey #1. New Haven to Seattle by way of South Korea.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Seattle postcard

We were checking out at the Madison food co-op last Monday night, still blurry from the day of travel but excited about getting food and cooking our first post-Korea meal. The cashier was explaining to us how membership works there (it's a refundable buy-in system, which sounded great to me) and we were adding that purchase onto our day's shopping. As the cashier was finishing up our paperwork the woman behind us started asking the cashier about how the coffee blends get named. Apparently she believed it offensive that one was named after Che Guevara, since lots of his quotations are about blood and killing and she found that unacceptable. The cashier politely tried to deflect the tirade, but the lady insisted on talking to the manager on hand and proceeded to launch into her argument, offering to come give a presentation about her position. The cashier, once she had finished ringing us up, gave a friendly, conspiratorially too-bright smile and said "welcome to the co-op!" Ah, Seattle.


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