Stories and Reflections

Stories and Reflections.
Journey #1. New Haven to Seattle by way of South Korea.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Blog Names You're Glad We Didn't Go With

Puddle Jumping
Double Espresso On The Rocks
A Whole Lotta ***** Over Here (Sorry for the inside joke - if you don't get it, you probably don't want to)
Dyking Across America
Banana Boat (Becky + Hannah and a serious favorite fruit of mine, bananas)
Moana Journeys (a previous blog I failed to continue)
Everybody On A Move
Fueled by Dinosaurs or The Power of Fossil Fuels  (it ends up regardless of the reality and irony, it made our green hearts hurt.)
The Power of Two
If I Only Had a Map
Tack and Jibe: Weaving Our Way Through Life
Second Star to the Right
Here We Go Again


  1. I love you guys, however, maybe you should have called it "Wrong Turn"? Time to rethink your first header:

    Journey #1. Seattle to New Haven by way of South Korea.

    UNLESS...time has skipped ahead and you're on your way back to the east coast?!? WOOHOO!


  2. Point taken! We were just trying it on for the future...

  3. SO funny. Probably I should check this blog often, as I think it will be pretty awesome. :)
