Stories and Reflections

Stories and Reflections.
Journey #1. New Haven to Seattle by way of South Korea.

Monday, August 30, 2010

things we know about maryland

1. traffic is a favorite past time of marylanders and d.c.ites alike.
2. chesapeake bay is nasty. like the sound used to be before all the dumping bans... maybe worse. hannah says its gotten better. jellyfish seem to like it.
3. annapolis is the cutest little colonial town.
4. the naval academy has the biggest chandeliers i've ever seen.
5. i get really hot. this wasnt a problem on boats between the breeze and the big wet thing always ready to jump in. this is a problem in d.c. whew. tip of the hat to you southern bred folk.
6. it ends up hannah likes to read afterall. she picked up her first novel in a long time. (that has very little to do with maryland)
7. people we know who live in d.c. and md rock. shout outs to chantal, brigitte and ethan and more to come.
8. hannah, chantal and i are pretty much great plumbers. watch out mario bros.

one day we'll continue driving. not today. we're spending the night in tuckahoe state park. date night, face time and resting. (note joke on how to tuckahoe in...)

tent and trees
the boat john smith explored the chesapeake bay in (replica)
chantal knight
passenger at rest while stuck in traffic
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