Stories and Reflections

Stories and Reflections.
Journey #1. New Haven to Seattle by way of South Korea.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Brooklyn: Lu Style

Let me tell you a little story about my dear friend Lu. Lu and I met the first day of college at Mount Holyoke. She walked into the first floor of our dorm, walked up to me, looked me up and down and we both realized we were either going to be enemies or a whole lot of trouble. Lucky for us (and not all that surprising since we all know that I would love to be friends over anything) we're the most trouble. Add a Chapin into the mix and we hit a whole new level.
Our first official stop heading West was a night with Lu in Brooklyn where she was born and raised and has returned to after a few years in France teaching and you know, playing pro-soccer, no big deal. Some of you might remember a story about a little Brooklyn girl we took camping a few weeks ago - much ado about bears, well, Lu i is that little Brooklyn girl. Where bears are terrifying Lu strides down the streets of New York like any low-lifes should fear her; and they probably should. So Lu takes us out, buys us beers and dinner and escorts us to the West Village where we met up with Tutsky and Becca Love. Because one gay bar is never enough we decided to head out for some late night dancing at Stonewall (almost like gay mecca). Two steps in the club, five seconds of dancing and we back into some MHC women - a welcome wonderful surprise - holla Jess, Hannah and crowd.
Rolling into bed super late we rose bright eyed and cheery to greet Uncle John Chapin and Susan for a wonderful send off brunch. Amazing first stop.

1 comment:

  1. Woohooo! Sounds like you all had a great time in New York! Glad John and Susan are doing well -- (ps John, love your copyleft tshirt! might be right up your alley.)
