Stories and Reflections

Stories and Reflections.
Journey #1. New Haven to Seattle by way of South Korea.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Heading Out

Yesterday morning an 18-wheeler gracefully wedged itself onto our teeny-tiny New Haven street, took all of our things and drove off. They'll be seeing Seattle before we do, and thanks to Alycia, they will be cozy in our new apartment when we arrive. With that, we're spending tonight with Wendybird and we are off our on journey tomorrow morning. This week's stops include Preston, Mystic, Middletown and Brooklyn. We're not going too far, then again, we don't really feel like we're on vacation yet either.

We promise more interesting post soon and if you're somewhere between New Haven and Seattle, you should let us know where and how to find you - we just might stop by. Time to hit the trail!

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