Stories and Reflections

Stories and Reflections.
Journey #1. New Haven to Seattle by way of South Korea.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Settling in to the life of being wanderers.

Another day in the great state of Maryland. Today were kicking it in Baltimore. We met Assistant Professor Jen Pluznick for lunch at John Hopkins School of Medicine - checked out her new lab and tech and we're genuinely awed by her success and coolness!
In continuing efforts to fix my guitar we found a repair shop run by a guy who doesn't take walk-ins but would help us out with our super simple problem. As he looked the guitar over he grew increasingly disgusted with the shabby uncared for state of the instrument - it was easy to see he built his livelihood and identity on deifying guitars and we, in fact were walking blasphemy. I TRIED to explain to him that this was my travel guitar that came into my possession in a bad state for free from a certain friend who got it from a "client" in her less than legal days of experimenting with entrepreneurship. Nevertheless, he fixed the guitar quickly, handed it back shaking his head, refused payment and said good-bye. Thank you Philtone Guitars.
Last night we spent with Brigitte (Pribnow) and Ethan. They are amazing and I always leave their house wanting more face-time and days with them. Something about their generousity and the fact that Brigitte and I have been friends for my longest friendship sometime in middle school, I can't wait to see them again soon. Christmas or west coast style. We also had the pleasure to play arts and crafts and make wreaths for Kate Geyer's wedding this weekend. Good luck Kate and Dan! Congratulations! Thank you Brigitte and Ethan! We love you!!
We're on to Leah Blasiak's in Baltimore. We are feeling loved and lucky to have these great friendships in our lives.
Keepin' on movin' on!!

Hannah overlooking Baltimore's inner harbor
Close up on the Pride of Baltimore in the harbor
Hannah and Brigitte adorning wedding wreaths
Super cute colonial row houses in Annapolis
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  1. i'd just like to say that i miss you terribly, becky gavagan, and truly wish i was going to be available to visit with you when you're in the South. alas, my new job is fulfilling and time devouring and i am on call at all times, every day until November. again, i miss you, and i hope you have a wonderful, safe, fun journey. don't judge the South too much. eat some fried okra :) love, sue

  2. Haha, less legal days of entrepreneurship, LOVE YOU!
