Stories and Reflections

Stories and Reflections.
Journey #1. New Haven to Seattle by way of South Korea.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Chapins midway

Did you know there's a huge Monsanto complex in St Louis? We didn't until we were enlighened by James, but we could have guessed by the miles of fields, the signs and billboards as we drove west. We've reached the breadbasket, for sure, though it's the agricultural equivalent of "water, water all around and not a drop to drink."

We made it to St Louis in time to distract the studious Joe Franklin, who seems happily settled into a beautiful apartment and his 10 lb case law book. Although we missed Libby (congrats on the job!) we had a lovely visit. We also finally reserved lodging for our Yellowstone adventure. September is too cold for camping, but not late enough for there to reliably be vancancies, so we had to nail down some hotel reservations. A little advance planning is useful and necessary, even on trips with a relaxed schedule.

The rush-hour traffic posed no challenge to these DC-hardened drivers and we made it to Wildwood for dinner. Unexpected and hilarious entertainment was provided by two furry rat pets. Turns out Becky finds little rat paws and kisses to be the most tickley! Once the four footed friends were put to bed, the great food, conversation and instrumental performances rounded out a delightful evening.

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1 comment:

  1. yay! i love traveling vicariously through you two. Love to the Wildwood Chapins :)
