Stories and Reflections

Stories and Reflections.
Journey #1. New Haven to Seattle by way of South Korea.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Queer and Corney

So we did it. Through upstate Missouri, clear across Iowa, south to north, and into Minnesota.

We left James's house yesterday morning after watching Noah catch the bus. It ends up my childhood St. Louis suburban home is in James's backyard. Not even a mile and two turns and we found ourselves staring at Green Pines Elementary School, 16657 Westglen Farms Rd and a skip and a jump away from Hollister Crossing. Pics are included mostly for Mom and Dee. It doesn't really pull at me that strongly but its always interesting to see a place you almost remember.

The Arch, a.k.a. The Gateway to the West was pretty cool. Totally worth going up in. There were two Muslim gentlemen going up the same time as us. As we notice that we are becoming increasingly more self aware of our gayness we wondered if these two gentlemen in their traditional dress felt the same as we did if not more acutely. Welcome and unlikely comrades in the land of republicans and anti-mosque, anti-gay talk shows, billboards and bumper stickers.

The heartland is... well... growing corn and beef which we knew. Its a loud reminder of the diversity in our country to go from East Coast city to suburbs to the rural Midwest one horse towns.
It ends up that in the country you can paint a bicycle on the bumpy shoulder and call it a bike lane. Don't get us wrong, it would have been a beautiful ride. Its just the trucks going 65 on the tiny two lane road that would scare the crap out of us. Also in case you're headed this way, there is an awesome food co-op in Iowa City. And just for the record, the Minnesota stars are gorgeous. The milky way is super clear. I hope to make a tradition of climbing onto a picnic table to lie on my back and be amazed by the twinkling, giggle and/or contemplate the universe after a long day of driving.

Today = Carleton College
Tomorrow = Minneapolis
Sunday = To the Badlands
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