Stories and Reflections

Stories and Reflections.
Journey #1. New Haven to Seattle by way of South Korea.

Monday, September 20, 2010

A gay time in Boise

We're STILL on the Oregon Trail, but this may be the last day of driving west! Before we talk about how surreal it is to be within a day's drive of our future home, let me say what a great time we had in Boise. We first caught up with Tut, aka Matthew Tutsky, harpist extraordinaire, who had just officially moved to Boise two weeks ago. From his house we walked into town on Boise's beautiful greenbelt path by the river and proceeded to sample the nightlife with drinks at a tiki bar, dinner at a local foods restaurant, and then ending at the newest local gay bar (shout out to Kenton!). Sunday morning we walked to the local diner for a greasy hangover breakfast, joined by Tut's housemate. Later that afternoon we met up with Sue, an amazing woman Becky met at Michigan. Sue is a badass artist and we found her at her studio where she was prepping for an upcoming show, and it was great to see her work. ( The afternoon and evening was spent walking around a local craft fair and enjoying dinner while we caught up on each other's lives. Thanks, Sue, for the wonderful visit during a busy time! We look forward to meeting Traci soon.

Since we were driving right past it, Becky and I made a quick pilgrimage to the Sierra Trading Post outlet. The major perk was trying on the shoes before buying, which made for a successful trip.

As I write this on the phone, Becky just drove us into Oregon (bam!). We've been weighing the lure of our own bed in our own apartkent vs. putting off dealing with our own apartment and stopping short of Seattle to camp tonight. It almost seems silly to not go all the way to Seattle, but this trip has been a delightful escape from the domestic world and it's a little hard to see it end. That said, we are looking forward to settling into our new home, and we still have a month of adventure ahead of us. We'll see where we end up tonight!


picture: Tut (with shirt) and Kenton
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  1. Sounds like you had a great trip!!! go camping!! you have a million years to sleep in apartments. :-)

  2. Second - a million years for apartment-sleeping. It is a joy to read your words and close my eyes for a little vicarious cross country adventuring! With love, Sheila
