Stories and Reflections

Stories and Reflections.
Journey #1. New Haven to Seattle by way of South Korea.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

New Mexico to South Korea with a layover in Seattle.

Congratulations Annie and Ira! beautiful wedding. so much fun in New Mexico!
We got home at 3pm or so. packed for Korea, ignored our ridiculously out of sorts apartment and headed out for a late dinner. We are so excited about the trips we have smashed together so cozy-like, but we are starting to feel like road warriors. You know, the weary kind.
Tomorrow we will take on the Seattle public transit without handicaps - we're leaving the droid at home. Only buses, a lightrail, two planes and a customs official stand inbetween us and Monika. Bring it.
Post might get less frequent while were abroad. We're looking at hiking mountains, hanging out in temples, going to islands, having big nights in cities and generally having a ball. We'll make sure to tell you all about it!
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