Stories and Reflections

Stories and Reflections.
Journey #1. New Haven to Seattle by way of South Korea.

Friday, September 24, 2010

leavin on a jet plane

whew! sorry for the radio silence - we've been busy! we got to seattle monday night and started right in unpacking on tuesday. our neighborhood is the cutest. our landlady is the nicest. our apartment is adorable and getting better all the time. we collected monika's rugby sweater from helen (to bring to her in korea). we had a lovely dinner with alycia. we went running and played frisbee in volunteer park. and now we're back on the road. this time airborn to albuquerque for annie and ira's wedding.
we've decided to explore santa fe tonight and albuquerque tomorrow. something about smaller and artsier really appeals to us. i think this quick trip will be a tease.
side note: has anyone noticed how lime green is super hot right now? i'm guilty. i bought a lime green nalgene 6 months ago and lime green board shorts 3 months ago. however the walls of our apartment are a light lime green. its a really nice color. it magically goes with the dark red/orange/tan thing we had going on in new haven. however, if i wear my board shorts i can blend into the wall and while purchasing a britta filter we skillfully avoided the lime green. and we keep noticing how many things we have that are that color. its silly and lime over here.
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1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your apartment is the limeiest!!!
    Have a wonderful time in Sante Fe and be prepared for a full download when we chat next. I have heard amazing things and want to hear all about it!!
    Hugs, E
